

PGS21 speakers reside across Europe and North America. Click on their profile to learn more about them and their sessions.

Member of the German Parliament, Social Democratic Party
Chief Economists at the French Treasury
Member of Sejm and social activist
Head of the Future Work Centre, Royal Society of Arts UK
Director of the Royal Society of Arts U.S.
German Member of the European Parliament, EFA fraction
Director for Research and Training at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Professor of Public Policy at Hertie School of Governance and Member of the Advisory Council of Das Progressive Zentrum
Director of PRIME Economic
Researcher at the Polish Academy of Sciences
Chair of the Labour Party, UK
Associate Professor for Political Science and Communication, University of Amsterdam
Chief Research and Impact Officer at the Royal Society of Arts
Minister for Social Security, Sweden
Research Director of the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics at Sciences Po
Partner at Newco Strategies and former Senior Advisor for Digital of the Biden-Harris campaign
Stanley Wade Shelton UGAF Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) at the University of Georgia
Dean of Diversity & Inclusion and Professor of Political Science at Bocconi University
Executive Director of the „Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship“ and the „Future of Diplomacy Project“, Harvard Kennedy School
Deputy Mayor, City of Strasbourg
Chief Economist at the Centre for European Reform
Member of the German Parliament, Free Democratic Party
Secretary of State for European affairs, France
Member of the UK Parliament, Labour Party
Inaugural Holder of the Fritz Stern Chair at Brookings Institution
Senior environmental planner at the Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Policy Fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum
Executive Director, Das Progressive Zentrum
President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
US Editor of the New Statesman
Deputy General Secretary of European Trade Union Confederation
President of the Italian National Innovation Fund
Member of the German Parliament, The Greens
Candidate for Governing Mayor of Berlin
Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy, and Social Innovation at the University College London
Lord Mayor of Budapest, Hungary
Director for EU Government Relations at Zoom
Former Prime Minister, Denmark
Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Germany
Vice President of the German Marshall Fund
International correspondent, New Statesman
Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies
Leader of the New Democratic Party, Canada
Director of the Asia Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Professor for Practice of Economic Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School
Spanish Member of the European Parliament, S&D fraction
International Editor at The New Statesmen
Senior Consultant at Demos Helsinki
Policy Fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum
National Affairs Correspondent at The Nation
Prime Minister, Canada
Culture Editor at Aftonbladet
MSP and Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, Scottish Government
Senior Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung
Member of the Dutch House of Representatives, Labour Party
Program Director for the Broadbent Institute
Member of the German Parliament, Social Democratic Party
Secretary-General of the Social Democratic Party, Germany
Secretary General, European Foundation for Progressive Studies
Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director at Indivisible
Federal Minister of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology, Austria
Member of the Italian Parliament
Programme director in the International Policy Department of the Körber Foundation
MP and Shadow Foreign Secretary, United Kingdom
Director of the Stockholm-based think tank Arena Idé
Editor at Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation
Former British Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA group
Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Professor of Political Science at the University of Konstanz and Speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"
Chairman of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Director of Global Progress
Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress
Staff Writer at Jacobin Magazine
Chair and Co-Founder of Das Progressive Zentrum
Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and Senior Mercator Fellow
Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Spain
Correspondent in the Berlin studio of Deutschlandradio
Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali
Assistant Professor at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance, Germany
Founder and CEO of Datapraxis
President of the Socialist Party, Belgium
Journalist and author
General Director of En Marche, France
Head of the Future of Democracy Programme at Das Progressive Zentrum
Director at Placemaking Europe
Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, Scotland
Co-Chairman of The Greens, Germany
Assemblymember at the California State Assembly, Democratic Party
Policy Fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum
Climate Resilience Program Manager, City of Boston
Consultant at Demos Helsinki
Observer chief leader writer, Guardian/Observer columnist & Analysis presenter at Radio 4
Senior News Anchor, DW News
Co-Chairwoman of The Left, Germany
President of the Liberal Party, Canada
Slovenian Member of the European Parliament, S&D fraction
Founder of the New Practice Lab at New America
German Member of the European Parliament, EFA fraction
Co-Founder and Board Member of Das Progressive Zentrum
Secretary of State Assistant to the Prime-Minister, Portugal
German Member of the European Parliament, S&D fraction
Professor of Politics at the Queen Mary University of London
Senior International Relations Policy Advisor, Foundation for European Progressive Studies; Academy Associate, Chatham House
Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
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